What are the advantages of studying for a master's degree abroad?
The transition to the Bologna system has significantly increased the mobility of students and teachers.
Having a bachelor's degree, a student may well, having collected all the necessary papers, passing tests and translating the diploma, apply for a master's degree abroad. Every year tens of thousands of applicants leave for foreign universities.
Studying abroad gives the student a high level of training, experience of living in a foreign country, the opportunity to travel, constant practice of a foreign language, and also increases the chances of completing useful internships and staying to work abroad.
Many universities have student exchange programs in the master's program. So, for example, MACICT provides business trips to Germany, Poland, Denmark for students and teachers.
In addition to this, our MACICT project helps students study according to European standards, teachers develop the programs, exchange experience with European colleagues, and companies get qualified specialists right at home in Belarus.