Today we publish the third feedback about participation in the MACICT course

Today we publish the third feedback about participation in the MACICT course

Today we publish the third feedback about participation in the MACICT course "Industrial Software Engineering". We present interview with Beida Artem.
Can you tell us briefly what course you took?
It was the course about industrial software development. We was studying and practicing the Scrum framework. We had lectures and workshops. Also we had a lot of practicing! We worked in a real Scrum team with a product owner on a real product!
Have you seen anything like this in Belarus?
Not exactly. Our course of the theory of software developing and testing is pretty similar one. Also I had a talk with Belarusian students from other universities. They do not have such course.
What is the difference between the course at BSUIR and the course you took?
First of all, the BSUIR’s course takes 2 semester. In the first half-year we were studying different schemas and ways of software development, e.g. waterfall, agile. In the second one we were studying the Scrum, different quality attributes of a software. Also we had labs where we were practicing the Scrum framework. We had to split into small teams, and work on a project using Scrum.
In the Danish course we were studying the Scrum in more details. Also we were studying how to present product, how to sell it, in other words. We were working on the real project with the real product owner in the Scrum team! I really like this approach, because it stimulate you to work harder, because you may be hired if you do your best!
Are you glad to have participated in this project?
Yes! It’s a good opportunity to study foreigners' experience in the software development. Also I had an opportunity to speak with students from other universities, to share our experience, to talk about different studying approaches. Besides, I practiced my English! I I improved my listening, speaking and writing skills during this course! Also I obtained a CSM certificate from the Scrum Alliance. That means, that I am a certified Scrum Master (a person who can guide and facilitate Scrum processes in a team).