HANNA KARKANITSA (YKSUG) - Teacher/ Researcher/ Technical
The MaCICT project allowed me to look at the educational process from the point of view of stakeholders and understand that it is necessary to take seriously the development of curricula and learning materials, taking into account the competencies in demand in the labor market. Thanks to the project, I gained a very useful experience in teaching professional disciplines based on a project-based approach, which can be implemented not only in inter-university teams, but also in international ones. Having summarized the experience and practice of organizing such courses, I was able to introduce a similar approach teaching the course "Object-oriented programming technologies and design standards". The project certainly had an impact at the university and regional level. The impact of the project on students is also visible. We are currently working on guidelines for organizing distributed student projects, which will be disseminated among faculty and university staff, as well as among the staff of BY partner universities.

ANATOL BAHDZEVICH (YKSUG) - Teacher/ Researcher/
The MACICT project has helped me to broaden the range of tools for teaching and organising students' learning. The cooperation with both Belarusian and foreign colleagues had enabled us to implement active learning methods into the teaching process. Students have been able to realise their potential as well as to find the study process both useful and interesting. I'm sure their employability will definitely increase as the courses introduced into the curriculum and teaching and learning methods encourage them to be more self-confident and more committed to their professional self-realisation.

ALESIA BELKO (YKSUG) - Technical/ Administrative
The MACICT project is the outstanding example of implementation of new skills and knowledge in the learning and working process and team work in the consortium. Despite the online cooperation it seems to be fruitful at the university and regional level because our teachers learn new technologies and our masters acquire the necessary level of soft skills.

ZOYA SIDOROVICH (YKSUG) - Teacher/ Researcher/
The MaСIСT project allowed us to take a different look at the organization of the educational process and the preparation of masters of technical profile.
The results have demonstrated that the study of the given discipline helps students to adapt to the professional activity, to form an open-minded and competent communicative personality capable of cooperation, speech creation, intercultural interaction, and possessing the most important instrument for achieving social, professional and personal success – effective communication skills. Disciplines of this kind integrate the body of philological knowledge and become fundamental to developing effective communication of graduating students in the present-day world regardless of the acquired profession.

The MACICT project was the perfect opportunity to me to get acquainted with modern approaches to syllabus and course design. The workshops by Juho Mäkiö and Sergey Piashkun were especially valuable and helped me a lot to develop the course "Entrepreneurship and Product Commercialization". The course covers the main issues of doing business from a theoretical and practical point of view and allows to gain the basic knowledge and skills necessary to identify, create and realize entrepreneurial opportunities. The course was presented at a meeting with entrepreneurs - members of the NGO "Association of Employers and Entrepreneurs of Vitebsk Region". It was admitted as practically useful and interesting for them.

SURTO SERGEY (PSU) - Senior lecturer
In the modern time when technologies allow us access to all information that need to be learnt, education process need new methods, that more concentrates on perception, understanding and memorizing of large amount of data along with ability to quickly update knowledge in the fields that changes very fast (like IT). Social integration demands highly developed level of soft skills for communication to learn in social-mixed groups. All of this- new for us teaching methods, tips, soft skills training, we (participants) learned in this project. So, this project was highly helpful in the way to adapt my teaching skills to the today’s reality.

OSTAPCHUK SVETLANA (PSU) - Senior lecturer
I highly appreciate being on the project. It meant meeting teachers from other Belarusian and European universities and mostly new ideas on how to make teaching up-to-date. While technology undoubtedly has changed education, teachers still can play a significant role in boosting learning. The project inspired me to shift more to a student-centered approach to learning. I leant many of useful teachers’ tips on how to plan my classes, how to use both formal and informal forms of assessment, and how to improve class participation.

ZAHAROVA IRINA (PSU) - Senior lecturer, QA automation engineer in A1 QA
Macict project allow students to going practical hands-on experience with scrum practices. The learning process for students was formed as real-life commercial project. Final result was a product presentation which quality was maintained not only by committed students but and by the team of highly qualified teachers from Belarus, Poland and Denmark